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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Star Cinema Starting Over Again Movie Review

Category: RomCom Drama Movie

Usually, I do not have any expectation when watching Filipino Romantic Comedy or Drama movies in recent time. Quite honestly, I just want to have fun and be entertained because formula for movies like this is pretty much the same across the board.  In short, there is nothing to analyze or talk about when you watch this type of movies. Surprisingly, this movie is not one of those.
Do not hate on me when I say that Piolo Pascual is more beautiful than his love interest here. The guy is just too good- looking and it pains me when they are shot together side by side. Sorry Toni. Although I love your choice of wardrobe in this film.
Starting Over Again is beautifully scripted. Beautiful in such a way that it is so realistic and relatable. But before I dwell on that. I have a question which kept nagging me throughout the movie. Is it legal to have a teacher- student relationship? From what I understand, it's not. So forgive me for saying that when the two leads became a couple while Toni's character is still officially a student in the university. I'm a little bit uncomfortable. (I'm conservative/traditional. WHATEVER) Enough on the technicalities. The movie focuses on pretty much what the title of this film is: Starting Over Again. Basically, the film starts typically like any other Filipino romantic movies: funny however slightly over- acted. On the other hand, some people might actually be doing that in real life. But the gist of the film probably began on the arrival of the character of Iza Calzado. This woman is one of the best character actresses in her generation. Hands Down. The way she delivers her line, with the enunciation of each words is simply amazing. I found myself just focused on it. Wow! She is the gem of this film. One of the best scenes which some people might think to be too long (dialogue) is the scene between Piolo and Toni in the hospital. I thought that pretty much sums up what Starting Over Again is about.
Kudos to Olivia Lamasan for writing and directing such a beautiful movie. This is one of the best recent feature films on Romantic Comedy/Drama. And welcome back to Piolo Pascual. It has been a while since he has grace us with his presence in the big screen.
Rate: 9/10         

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Endless Love (Remake) Movie Review

Category: Romantic Movie

I actually have almost no recollection of the first Endless Love film with the exemption of Brooke Shields. However, I am pretty much curious as to how modern cinema will interpret it today. Plus, I find Alex Pettyfer pretty cute so it helps that they got pretty good- looking protagonists. Call me shallow but that's how I am sometimes especially if I feel like watching a movie in a cinema for no other reason.
I am actually quite surprised, even though some dialogues are pretty sappy, corny and cliché, the movie is surprisingly good. Alex Pettyfer and Gabriella Wilde have enough chemistry to make the film believable. The story is pretty simple although unoriginal but because the editing, the interpretation both in acting and direction are above par, it's fine with me. The film was actually entertaining and engaging.
I have to say one more thing. It's pretty lame but I find that Hair and Make- up for Alex Pettyfer so fascinating because other movies featuring this guy, he looks so bad- assed but because one simple change in hair color completely changes his whole persona. He actually looked pretty harmless. Hahahaha! It's probably irrelevant in this review but I actually kept mentioning it with my companions after the movie that I felt that I should share it here. On the other hand, Gabriella Wilde looks GORGEOUS in this film. First time I saw her was on the reboot of 3 Musketeers then the recent remake on Carrie. Now that I think about it, this girl is always featured in some form of reboot or remake. Maybe she should start looking for movies that doesn't involve those "words". Moreover, I still feel she has enough star quality just need more sharpening on her acting chops.
Overall, I loved it. It's pretty entertaining. I am a hopeless romantic so this pretty much satisfied me. Not so much but enough. It really depends though if this type of movie will push you to spend money in a theater.
Rating: 6.5/10

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Winter's Tale Movie Review

Category: Romantic Drama/ Supernatural

I am not sure what I was thinking watching this movie on February 14 especially seeing the terrible traffic earlier that day. My mother actually asked me the same thing when I got home because she thought I was crazy for doing it. Be that as it may, as a movie addict, nothing can deter me from watching this film.
I absolutely have no idea what this movie is about. Only what I can gather from the trailer  and that is not even remotely close to what I saw in the movie. It didn't help that I am late for the screening. Hay.... I'll have to watch it again after its release on DVD
Quite Frankly, the movie confuses me so much so that even my sister asked me why are there monsters, horses with wings and diamonds that illuminates images. So while watching, I peeked into Wikipedia to see what we missed in the first 10 minutes. Unfortunately, there were nothing written yet in the plot so I was forced to understand and decipher the rest of the film.
Beverly Penn played by the beautiful Jessica Brown Fidlay met Peter Lake played by Colin Farrell while the latter was attempting to rob her house. The first setting of the movie was 1961 so forgive me if the first thing I noticed is the plumbing of the house. There was a scene wherein Beverly was trying to lower down her body temperature by dipping in a "pool" located inside the house. I was fascinated if that was even possible then. Anyway, the two fell in love and even knowing that Beverly is close to death, he still stayed to be with her. The question now is why after all these time after the death of his only love that he still lives on up until the present time. Aside from that twist, there is another unexpected character that will surprised you. I was and the rest of the moviegoers I was with.
The movie is beautifully directed although there are still flaws. For one, although the chemistry between the characters is there. It feels lacking. Story editing could have been improved because the film feels it should be an epic love story. That is where I believe it fell flat big time.
The romantic drama movie is average at best. Should you rush in the cinema to watch? Probably not. Maybe I could give it a better review if I was able to watch the whole thing but I highly doubt it. Still I will make another review once it's available.
Rating: 5.5/10

Vampire Academy Movie Review

Category: Chick Flick

I love chick flicks. Actually, I am a sucker for it. When I saw Vampire Academy, I never heard about it before aside from the fact that the novel is non- existent to me and it didn't help the cast are relatively unknowns. It came to my knowledge thru my habitual viewing for new trailers from my ever dependent source: Youtube.
Truthfully, I just watched it without any expectation. I never realize that it was actually directed by Mark Waters of Mean Girls. Good thing I didn't know about that until the end of the movie.
Vampire Academy (film version) is fascinating because of the relationship of the characters. Although they could have done better in developing them but it seems that the director is more interested in creating another Twilight crazed franchise. Zoey Deutch who plays Rose Hathaway sort of ripped Ellen Page's acting technique for her part in this movie. She did play the character beautifully but it came off as unoriginal. Although she has intense chemistry with her love interest, Danila Kozlovsky who plays Dimitri Belikov, I still think the guy looks to old for her and it comes off a little creepy not in a bad way. Thank God. I am actually quite surprised that the Weinstein Brothers are behind this adaptation. I actually decided to read the book series after watching it and I ended up loving it. I find the movie disappointing then because they could've produced a better screen version especially knowing who are the producers and director behind it. Why did I decide to read it even if I was slightly disappointed? I am curious with the story of Dimitri and Rose. They are a fascinating couple and I believe it can rival with the Edward and Bella story. Twilight fans might not agree but I really don't care.
I think they did a good job casting Rose Hathaway but I would've preferred casting a different set of actors for the rest of the characters. After the reading book, I really hope they will continue the franchise. There are huge opportunities for improvement but I doubt if the studio behind it will continue backing it. I hope they would. I hope that the film will do well enough for it to continue.
Overall, it's a pretty good chick flick. Is it better than the rest of its contemporaries? Probably not. I still think this movie needs another shot because the books made me fall in love with the characters.
Rating: 6/10

Robocop Reboot Movie Review

Category: Popcorn Movie

I have nothing against remakes or reboots. Although there have been some really bad ones but there have been really great ones like the reboot of Batman. So I usually keep an open mind.
I have seen all Robocop movies. I even remembered watching it in Betamax. It came as no surprise that they have picked a relatively unknown actor to play the protagonist. I bet the producers would've wanted to get a better known actor but maybe no one wanted to be connected to this film. Fortunately for them, they got a good one for it (Joel Kinnaman). It helps also that several known veterans have agreed to be part of the reboot
I love this new take because the plot is very well- thought and have carefully detailed how the process of creating a robocop. I appreciate that they respect the essence of this film, the integration of science in humans. It is very realistic in a way that possibility for it happening may happen sooner than we all thought and if our choices in the end would be worth it. The script is smart, crisp and fast- paced. No boring moments. I thought all scenes were in sync with each other. I specifically love the training scenes and the bike! I super loved the way they designed the BIKE! Plus they obviously spent money on special effects which is great to watch in the big screen.

Kudos to Michael Keaton. He did a pretty good job. I have always loved his laid- back acting and very charismatic screen presence. Samuel L. Jackson as usual is great and I love his script and the way he delivers them especially if laced with sarcasm. The guy can do no wrong.

Joel Kinnaman may be a newcomer but he is destined to play this character. I was a little skeptical about this new film mostly because of this actor. I don't know if he has the capacity to carry this reboot successfully like Brandon Routh in Superman. But fortunately for fans such as myself, Mr. Kinnaman has the swagger and the charisma to swing it.
Overall, watch this movie in cinemas. It is a great reboot and really hoping for a sequel. Hope people will give this one a chance.
Rating: 8/10

Next one(s): Winter's Tale, Vampire Academy, Endless Love (remake), Starting Over Again (Star Cinema)

I, Frankenstein Movie Review

Category: Popcorn Movie

I love Underworld. So much so that almost any movie that the production team behind it produces, I watch. The first time I saw this trailer, I thought the plot was so ridiculously ridiculous that I find it so fascinating and exciting to watch.
We all have read or at least have heard of Frankenstein and for him to be the "superhero" of the human world is something you have to at least check out. And anybody who can look as good as he is in this film played by Aaron Eckhart well, Dr. Frankenstein has to be one of the best plastic surgeon of his time. Great Job Mr. Eckhart.
Unfortunately, we were late for 10 minutes but it didn't deter me from loving it still. Cinematography wise, it's the same as Underworld, which I love very much. For a B- Movie, it is good and I was actually surprised that it lasted longer than I anticipated in the cinema. Unlike Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter which is weird, this movie is very entertaining and I am actually hoping for a sequel because the story is very interesting.
Overall, if you like popcorn movie or movies that just plain entertains for a few hours, this movie is for you.
Rating: 6/10

Bride for Rent Movie Review

Category: RomCom

Ever since my sister told me about this new movie, I am so excited since I loved their last movie together. Boy was I wrong... I was supposed to watch Grudge Match with my father and sister but unfortunately, the screening didn't last 7 days in the cinema. So after unanimous votes, we ended up watching this film together. 
Bride for Rent is your typical RomCom, Girl falls in love with a douche guy. Douche guy became a better man for the girl. Girl tell guy can't be with her. Guy convince girl they are meant for each other. Okay so maybe not your typical RomCom but it still close.
The movie basically tells a story about an heir played by Xian Lim who lives lavishly, selflessly and without consequence of his actions. Because of an irresponsible choice, he ended up creating a fake marriage to get his inheritance from his wealthy grandmother to pay off his enormous debt.  Meanwhile, Rocky played by Kim Chiu is a down- her- luck actress who is basically the breadwinner of her whole family although having several big "healthy" brothers and a father who I believe could've made their fate fared better. Predictably, she ended up being the fake bride.
Kim Chiu is undoubtedly one of the most gifted young actress of her time and have consistently delivered great acting for her past several films. This movie is not one of them. She is not the worst part of the film. The two young stars are both terrible. The only saving grace would be the legendary Pilita Corales. Now that is acting. Her delivery is impeccable and I hope the two young actors would emulate and learn from the veteran.
Usually, when I watched movies, I feel connected. 20 minutes into the movie, I still fell out of sync. The whole thing feels forced, rushed. I think the production team would have done a better job if they would have fine tune the minor details. Acting basically comes first into my mind.
This movie is box office gold in less than a week so obviously a lot of people enjoyed it or maybe they were just duped the same way as I was. Star Cinema is very lucky to have very marketable stars in their belt because this is not one of their recent best feature films.
Rating: 5.5/10

47 Ronin Movie Review

Category: Popcorn Movie

I have been a huge fan of Keanu Reeves ever after seeing him in the movie Speed. I do not know about this man but he seems so ageless even with those ugly face hairs.
I love Japanese movies usually because of all the proverbs, life lessons and philosophies you hear at the end of the movie. I read a summary about the real life 47 Ronin and its impact on Japanese history and culture. You would have thought that Hollywood would have been more careful in handling their wonderful epic story.
47 Ronin is about samurai warriors who have no Lord or master. The thing that strikes me funny is what the hell is a white man doing in this movie? His storyline and character does not fit in the whole thing. And why in God's name the Japanese are talking in straight English. It is so unrealistic. It takes me back to watching Tom Cruise's Last Samurai. Now that is what I call quality Hollywood- Japanese movie. Truthfully, the only reason that made me spend money on this semi- garbage movie is Keanu. Period.
Having read the Wikipedia profile on this movie and reading how much they spent on it, I readily bet right after watching that it is going to bomb in the box office. Quite frankly, if they haven't spent so much time creating a love story angle for Keanu and his love interest, it would have been a better version of the final product. I feel like the director is trying to put enough screen time for his superstar to satisfy his fan or so I think, but I would have prefer doing it in the traditional sense which is focusing on the focal plot. The 47 Ronin.
The special effects and costume design are beautifully crafted for this film. I think the antagonist is miscast and I thought they would've done better casting a better Japanese actor to make him looked more formidable.
Overall, this movie is not worth spending money on. I would suggest waiting it to be shown in TV.
Rating: 4.5/10

Back to Writing Movie Reviews

Hi Guys,

I have been very busy this past few months that I have neglected writing but I still find time to watch movies. I am thinking of writing reviews to all the movies that I've watched after Delivery Man. Fortunately, I can basically track all of it thanks to my cinema membership online. Hahaha!